
Zapozilor Polymetallic Project.

Bihor County, Romania

Deeprock's Ralleau VMS Project is a valuable VMS/Lode Gold property strategically located in the Abitibi region of Quebec.

  • 7.641 km² concession comprising former underground precious and polymetallic exploration and production development located in the northern extents of Romania’s Apuseni mountain range in Bihor county, lying within a 200+ km² area that received extensive prospecting, exploration and exploitation during the post WWII communist era through to the 1990’s.

  • Resource / exploration upside – New zones and potential extensions to known historical resources warrant further exploration.  Existing known deposits / mineralized zones remain unexplored at depth, surrounding areas need to be further investigated and targeted for acquisition.

  • Accessible (Historical) underground workings – multiple portals / levels include > 5,000 linear meters of horizontal development works (exploration and exploitation sub level/production/ore development works) with over 1,000 meters total vertical works (shafts, winzes, raises), and including over 8,000 meters in previous exploration drilling.

  • Access And Infrastructure – will indeed optimize cost effectiveness of project metrics in all stages of appraisal, development and production stages.  An excellent all season paved highway provides access directly into and through the perimeter, w/ multiple nearby access points to grid scale power, as well as abundant water supply.  Nearby towns have confirmed their local support and offer up both a considerable and skilled labour force but also multiple available sites suitable for final processing.

Location & Description

DeepRock Minerals Inc. acquired 100% rights and interest in Prospecting Permit # 21.711 covering a perimeter (concession) area of  7.641 km², 764.1 hectares (ha) referred to as Valea  Cohului  –  Valea  Zapozilor in western Romania’s Apuseni Mountains.

Known to host skarn and hydrothermal vein stock works that have been the subject of earlier (historical) underground exploration, development and exploitation for gold, silver, copper, lead, zinc and nickel.

Supported by fieldwork carried out during 2019/20  field seasons comprising underground and surface sampling and mapping, an application to graduate the perimeter status from prospecting license to an exploration license has been filed and is expected to be granted in July 2021.

Google Earth 3D ‘Regional View’ (looking East)

Google Earth 3D ‘Regional View’ (looking West)

Aerial view looking west. Exploration concentrated in area of reported historical mineral resource (highlighted green).  This work includes ground geophysical surveying followed by confirmation diamond drilling in the vicinity of the three adits with known base and precious metal mineralization.  Multiple bulk samples, from 1-2 m3 in volume, collected for assay and preliminary metallurgical study.

Ground View (looking North)

Romania | Geology

Romania has a long and comprehensive history in both mining and petroleum exploration and extraction that dates back many centuries. Access to all these archives is currently restricted.

Romania | Apuseni Mountains Location of known deposits and significant prospects